Godex is a non-custodial anonymous exchange service that provides cryptocurrency swaps without any need to register or share personal information. It supports over 200 coins, and there are no limits for cryptocurrency exchange.
Step 1. On the Godex home page, choose a currency and enter the amount you would like to exchange. Let’s choose Bitcoin to PIVX as an example. The service will automatically calculate the amount of PIVX you will get. Then click on the Exchange button. You can also try the Demo Mode and see how the exchange works, without sending real coins!
Step 2. Fill in the “Recipient address” field with your PIVX address. Then specify your BTC wallet address in “Sender address” section below (it may be used as a refund address if it is needed). Check all the information carefully and click “Exchange”
Step 3. Godex will generate the BTC deposit address for you. Send the necessary amount of Bitcoins to it in one transaction and after your deposit is received, the exchange process will begin.
Step 4. That’s it. Godex will do the rest: find the rate and process the transaction.
You’ll receive the tokens very soon; the processing speed usually varies from 5 to 20 minutes. After the exchange is finished, you can view the results in details on the “Completed” page.
Check out our Affiliate Program and get 0.005 BTC for registration!